The uncanny socks of rebirth

For some days, the cursed trousers of Mark Hayes lay where they had fallen. Although many came to view them, no one dared to touch the abominable things. The trousers themselves showed no sign of damage despite the Yule Goats having successfully eaten Mark from inside them.

Trouser magic is a dastardly art that few dare to practice.

After a few days, a shirt was brought to lie with the trousers. A hat was later added, and then finally a pair of socks placed at the ankles. Whether all these items played a role, or only the socks were imbued with uncanny power, I do not know.

With the coming of the socks, the trousers themselves began to take shape as though occupied once more. Slowly each item of clothing filled out, assuming the form of a man. This could reasonably be assumed to be Mark Hayes himself, although while he lacks for a face, it is hard to be certain.  This too may only be a temporary setback.

And so it is that Mark Hayes, or something that has assumed the approximate form of Mark Hayes has risen up from this place of demise and sauntered cheerily in the direction of the New Year. As omens go, we’ve certainly seen worse ones.

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