Getting involved inthe Hopeless Vendetta


Submissions guidelines: we welcome anything that fits into the curious world of Hopeless Maine – cosplay photos, creature creation photos, art, short stories, poetry, music, videos… if you want to write island news, imagine island folklore, study the habits of island creatures… we welcome all comers. We’ll try not to edit you, but we do need to keep your creativity roughly in line with how the island works.

The key thing is that getting onto the island mostly happens by accident, unless you were born there, and getting out is exceedingly difficult, there is no commerce with the mainland at the present. In the past it was easier, so feel free to use a more historical setting. Magic, monsters, inventions, things Gothic, Lovecraftian, steampunk and otherwise mad are are all welcome. If you can’t contact us by other means, leave a comment and we’ll email you.

If you’ve not read the books, do read the older posts here, and this page –

Here’s some insights into the history of The Vendetta…

Written and distributed by Frampton Jones, The Hopeless Vendetta is a free press, producing regular news for the inhabitants of Hopeless, Maine. Residents wishing to submit news should speak to the editor when he is out delivering. Adverts are always welcome. People using the ether can direct their thoughts to brynnethnimue (at) gmail (dot) com.

Subscribers are reminded to bring their papers back for recycling and not to use them as toilet paper.

Frampton Jones and the Hopeless Vendetta (along with other citizens of Hopeless) feature in the graphic novel series Hopeless Maine, published by Sloth Comics. When the first book was going up as a comic, the Vendetta published inline with events in the book. As the Vendetta published weekly, while the comic updated at a rate of two pages a week with some scenes lasting longer than that, time could be a bit bendy on occasion.

It’s workable to read older installments without reference to the books but for best effect, read both.

The Vendetta has risen again to be the voice of the Hopeless citizens, showcasing art, natural history, gossip, music, and news. Please note that ‘I think I saw something funny in the woods’ is not news.


5 thoughts on “Getting involved inthe Hopeless Vendetta”

  1. Hi you. Pleasantly surprised at how much this website has grown. Was here last years back. Yeah, it’s hard to leave once one is webbed in here. I would really love to be part of the community. I do writings. Some short some long… I will appreciate a chance received.

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