Hopeless, Maine is all about community, multimedia creativity, good stories, and tentacles. People (and others) are very welcome to come and play with us. Leave a comment if you want to get involved and we’ll email you. We welcome strange, gothic, and Hopeless inspired things, in any form.
This site is run by Keith Errington (centre of photo) and Nimue Brown (to the left, in an octopus hat).
Hopeless, Maine social media is run by Nimue Brown and James Weaslegrease (at the back with an imaginary trombone).
The project began with Tom Brown’s intention to make graphic novels, possibly with soundtracks. Tom (left side of photo) defined the atmosphere of the island, and set the whole thing in motion. Since about 2008, Nimue Brown has developed island life and expanded the project to include performance, novels and songs, drawing in other accomplices..
Other key contributors working within the existing material are many. On the blog we have Martin Pearson (Squid and Teapot) and regular tales from Keith Errington. Other significant contributors are, Nils Visser (Diswelcome), Mark Hayes, Roz White, and Steven C Davis.
Art on the blog is currently led by Dr Abbey, Keith Errington and Nimue Brown. we welcome art contributions, including photos and cosplay. No AI.
The musical side of Hopeless includes songs from both Professor Elemental and Walter Sickert. for a while we had a performance team called The Ominous Folk of Hopeless, Maine. Songs written for the project now show up in the repertoire of Carnival of Cryptids.
Meredith Debonnaire came in as a blog contributor, but her Annamarie story is so important to the project as a whole that it features in Optimists, and informs the future shape of Hopeless.
We’re delighted that Sloth Comics have taken the bedraggled denizens of Hopeless in, and given them shelter… you can buy Hopeless Maine graphic novels from all manner of places, more on that here. In the US, we’re published by Outland Entertainment who are releasing the graphic novels as larger, hard cover editions. They also publish the game and the prose fiction.
To contact individual blog creators, please post a comment on this page. If you want to book us as performers, exhibitors or have some other curious scheme in mind, just comment. We can pick up your email address from it and get back to you.
Dear Nimue,
as a kickstarter supporter, I thought I should introduce myself, as you likely have nothing of me except my email. At the Asylum, I present as a lady with a mechanical arm and a shoulder octopus known as Captain Featherstonehaugh.
A backstory: finding myself needing to leave London expeditiously, I hastily booked passage by balloon. Too late I discovered that it was one of the Professor’s balloons headed for Ipswich, if you get by drift – and when they sifted through the wreckage, they found little more than my arm. Having no better materials to hand, they patched me up using parts of a lady who was killed on the ground. Human flesh isn’t up to much, but she’ll have to do until I can be properly repaired. 😉
Please feel free to use or discard any of that.
Best wishes,
Hello Sophie! That’s splendid and I’ll give it some thought – I’m working through people I know at the moment on the grounds that they are easier to kill, but the Prof Elemental connection is full of temptations…
Hi Nimue,
Just to let you know I created a gravatar and Liked above so you can see who I am. Let me know if you have any difficulty linking this to my kickstarter, which was under the email starting rs32disp… and my non-steampunk name.
I see you – you’re in the second half of the list which is why I’ve not emailed you yet, but the odds are I’ll be in touch this week! Possibly later today if I hold up for long enough…
My email to that address just bounced…
And I’ve just tried the email in your profile and that bounced too. I’m brynnethnimue at gmail dot com – can you email me?
I have emailed you.
Odd, I’m getting notifications of your posts above.
Technology, often just here to thwart me…