Out now – Semblance of Truth

The Hopeless, Maine novella Semblance of Truth is now out in the world – published by Outland Entertainment. This is a standalone book, so if you haven’t read anything else from the island, you’ll be fine to jump in here. The only thing that blog regulars need to be aware of is that this story is an older one and people did not know fifteen years ago (when I wrote the material this developed from) where the spoons went!

If you have read the graphic novels, this book is set in about the same time frame as The Gathering. That’s Personal Demons and Inheritance in the American hardcover editions. If you have read those, you may find the wider context interesting and there are points where the two stories overlap. It doesn’t matter what order you read Semblance in, in relation to the graphic novels.

Semblance Of Truth is a story told from the perspective of Frampton Jones – the island’s reporter.  Frampton is an unreliable narrator, not least because he’s being driven mad by his own camera. Hopeless is often a bemusing place for the residents, and we see more of that in action as islanders face one bizarre disaster after another.

You can procure copies from the publisher – https://outlandentertainment.com/products/hopeless-maine-a-semblance-of-truth?variant=42877284319368

It is also other places that sell books, this is the Amazon UK link

and Blackwells – https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/Hopeless-Maine-by-Nimue-Brown-Tom-Brown/9781954255982

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