Hopeless, live in Kyoto

This is Asahi Sasagawa reading as Annamarie Nightshade in Kyoto recently. Hopeless, Maine in Japan – thanks to Dr Abbey!

Takeshi Ohbayashi is the narrator for Hopeless, Maine in Japanese –

This was for a public performance based on the opening of Personal Demons. Dr Abbey has adapted the graphic novel script into something that can be performed to a Japanese audience – which is pretty wild. He’s sorted the casting and no doubt directed it as well. The original plan was to have Mari Shimizu reading young Salamandra. Mari Shimizu was the original voice of Astro Boy, but sadly she’s not been well lately.

If you want to take the project out into the world, we have a history of performance and welcome more of it. Quite some years ago, Keith Errington put together a Hopeless Home Companion radio show, based on Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion, which has been out a few times. The Ominous Folk used to do musical tales from the island. If you want to play with the setting you certainly don’t need to be faithful to the graphic novels.

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