Missing Girl Found!

(by Frampton Jones)

"I am not a lost girl!"The child who disappeared from Pallid Rock Orphanage along with Miss Calder, has now been found. The girl seemed dazed and could offer no explanation of where she had been all this time, who had taken her, or what had happened. Perhaps when she has had chance to recover from the trauma, she will be able to speak of her experiences. Pride requires me to add that I was the one who found the girl, aided by Doc Willoughby.

It is always odd finding myself part of the news, but on this occasion, I am delighted to have been of service. I have not yet had chance to speak with the ghost of Miss Calder regarding her demise.

I find myself wondering why some folk return from the dead and others do not, and what happens to those who do not walk amongst us.

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