O’Stoat Sightings


Mellisandra and Durosimi O'Stoat


In the last week, there have been three separate sightings of the missing O’Stoats. Archibald Buckets claims to have seen them in the graveyard. Serendipity and Felicitations Jones both report seeing the pair walking at twilight on Hunger Hill. Jed Grimes tells me he woke in the night and saw Durosimi O’Stoat stood beneath his window, staring up at him.

Are these ghosts? Hauntings seem to be on the increase, so this is a possibility. Are they alive and in hiding? The weather has made any serious searching impossible. Given the horrific fate of their son Drustan, these two are not to be trusted, and if you see them, do not approach them on your own. They are very likely dangerous. Hopefully in time we will have opportunity to see justice served to this unnatural pair.

3 thoughts on “O’Stoat Sightings”

  1. Just wanted to say that “Archibald Buckets” is a fab name. Not sure about him, but “Archie Buckets” could be a sort of Gothic, rather damp version of Sheriff Andy Griffiths, only maybe not quite so friendly. Or safe.

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