Tag Archives: bone daughter

The Bone Daughter

Story by Nimue, Bone Daughter outfit by Connie.

She will visit you in the longest and darkest nights. There is no certain day for her coming, so you must always be ready after Halloween. The Bone Daughter will come to your house. If you have left a gift for her, she may be satisfied with that. She likes wooden spoons, polished sea glass and the complete skeletons of mice. Other offerings may also be acceptable. 

If there is no gift for her at the door, she may come into your house, into your bedroom and into your dreams. You will wake with the sound of her laughter in your ears and no idea what she has made you do. The Bone Daughter’s humour is unpredictable at best.

If you are lucky, she will have only made you sing the bum in the bumhole song in some very public place.

If you are slightly lucky then when you wake plummeting from the church spire, you’ll land in a tree.

If you are unlucky, someone else will find you and conclude that The Bone Daughter played a terrible game with you.