Hello people! (and others)
I was looking at some photos a friend had taken recently not far from where we live in the UK and they were very…Hopeless, Maine-ish. This lead me to wonder if in fact our strange island (Hopeless, not the UK. Erm) was not perhaps leaking out into the rest of the world. I logged onto my social media accounts and asked for evidence if that was indeed the case, and apparently, I was not wrong.
Our first evidence came from not far away (from us) These photos from Gary Lea establish the theme for this first installment, which is to say, trees.
Look at this tree. This tree is clearly surrounded by spirits and fed on unwholesome things.
Then we move closer… what are these strange danging obscenities?
Let us be brave (or foolish) and move closer still. Are those…eyes? Yes, undoubtedly hundreds of tiny eyes. *shudders*Hopeless, Maine has come to Gloucestershire. There can be no doubt.
While we are on the subject of trees, Cliff Cumber (artist extraordinaire and all around excellent chap) Bravely stood still long enough to capture this image of an eye in the trees in Maryland.
I am pleased to say that he lived to pass this along to us and tell the tale.
So, if you have you seen the hideous evidence of Hopeless, Maine leaking out into the rest of the world, comment here. This will no doubt be an ongoing exploration…