‘Twas chillblist, and the tentacoils
Did writhe and wrangle ‘midst the waves:
Beleaguered was my little boat
Far off the coast of Maine.
Above the storm, a voice sang fell
A knell, if not a note in tune,
But th’ wind did snatch the words away
And left my soul in swoon.
“Beware the mermaids, child!” it cried
“The howlers wild, with nails that slash!
The noisome gnii, the beasts of sea
and those your spoon wouldst snatch!”
“Beware the tentacoils!” it sang
“Beware the stinging succubus
The eyes that glow, the shades that grow,
And demons of the dust!”
But firm I took my oar in hand:
Long time in dark for hope I sought —
‘till in Hopeless State I came to rest,
And lay awash in thought.
And, as in lone despair I lay,
Demonic Shades, with eyes of flame,
came salivating for my soul
And sang, o sang, my name
And so a while I’ll linger on
To wander Hopeless in a daze
And bathe my soul in demon song
For all remaining days…
‘Twas chillblist, and the tentacoiled
Did writhe and wrangle ‘midst the waves:
Beleaguered was my little boat
Far off the coast of Maine…
Words by Lou Pulford.
Art by Tom Brown
Reblogged this on The Curious Adventures Of Messrs Smith And Skarry and commented:
Very honoured to be invited back to play on my favourite gothic island, Hopeless Maine! 🙂